Advanced Infusion Therapy Services
in the comfort of your physician’s office
We work alongside your physician and their staff to ensure the proper care and the best possible health outcomes.

Safe, expert, patient-friendly care
Our outpatient infusion clinics are designed to take care of every patient need and ensure the best possible care.
Convenient locations
within or close by physicians’ offices
Flexible appointment hours
designed around patients’ schedules
Comprehensive amenities
for patient comfort
Caring, expert staff
fully-licensed and nationally accredited to ensure seamless continuation of physician care
Better patient outcomes through better continuity of care
Physician aligned
Infusion therapy expertise
Learn more about our company and our approach to infusion care.
A singular focus on infusion care
Intracare works exclusively in infusion therapy for acute and chronic conditions with both adults and pediatrics.
We also have our own infusion pharmacy.
This ensures continuous availability of the latest therapies, the highest levels of quality control, and the ability to provide special formulations for patients’ individual needs.
Preferred by patients and their physicians

State and Federally Licensed, Insured and Nationally Accredited